Olive Eggers

We currently have a few different crosses making up our olive egger flocks:

    • Pen 1:
      • Wheaten Ameraucana rooster over:
        • F2-F5 OE
        • Frizzle OE
        • Frizzle EE
        • Wheaten Marans (chicks will be F1)
    • Pen 2:
      • Splash Silver Marans rooster over:
        • F1-F4 OE
        • blue Ameraucana (chicks will be F1)

Most of our olive egger girls came from an olive egger crossed back to a brown layer, primarily Black Copper Marans, and we are seeing some lovely deep greens with heavy blooms and speckles thanks to these genetics. They also have Crested Cream Legbar in their lineage so we get the occasional head crest in our offspring, which is always a fun surprise.

You can expect offspring from this pen to be well built, sturdy dual purpose birds with barred, white, or shades of blue plumage, primarily single combs, feathered legs, and calm, gentle dispositions. We breed for healthy and friendly birds who are consistent producers of medium to large eggs in a gorgeous range of greens, and our girls certainly deliver. The point of lay in our lines is generally around 5 months of age.

It's important to note that while subsequent generations of olive eggers produce the coolest and widest variety of shades, the only generation that is guaranteed to produce olives and greens is our F1 olive eggers.