Prices listed below and subject to change. Hatchlings are sold straight run unless otherwise noted.
Feel free to mix and match your hatching egg orders. We do not recommend incubating different species together due to different incubation requirements and duration, and for those hatching in their incubator (as opposed to having a separate hatcher) we don't recommend incubating Muscovies with other breeds of ducks since their incubation time is about a week longer. See our hatching egg shipping & FAQ here.
- Lavender sweetgrass, blue slate, mottled slate, lavender, mottled lavender, blue palm, and more - $8/egg, $13/poult
- Blue Wheaten Marans - $6/egg, $12/chick
- Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas - $6/egg, $12/chick
- Blue Wheaten F1 Olive Eggers - $5/egg, $9/chick
- Easter Eggers (Wheaten Ameraucana cross) $3/egg, $5/chick, pullets guaranteed to lay blue or green
- Muscovy Ducks - Party pen: $4/egg, $7/duckling; Ripple pen: $6/egg, $12/duckling
We also list eggs on Ebay (sometimes at a discount) during heavy production - find us here!