Silver Fox

I have a small rabbitry and work with Silver Fox. I am an ARBA member and actively show my rabbits, culling heavily for SOP conformation. We do not keep a waitlist or take reservations for kits - rabbits are very rarely made available and we keep only the best of the best (usually only 10-20% of the kits we produce) to breed forward.

Silver Fox are a beautiful heritage and dual purpose breed. In addition to their prized fur and pelts, this breed can dress out at up to 65% of live weight and was awarded the Ark of Taste by the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity. With their docile temperaments, efficient feed conversion, and excellent mothering abilities, they are a great fit for our farm's regenerative agriculture program. Learn more about the Silver Fox here.

Our herd:


Sakura’s Chica - Black

Duskwood’s Bitsy - Black

Pine Haven’s Zinnia - Black

Pine Haven’s Forget Me Not - Black - 2 legs

Pine Haven’s Lily of the Valley - Black

Motherwolf’s Chocolate Thunder - Chocolate - 1 leg (BOV 11/18/23)

Duskwood’s River Song - Blue 

Mountain Heritage Tilly - Blue



Gaynor Grange Maurice - Black - 1 leg (BOSV, BOSB 11/18/23)

Under the Cloud’s Puck - Black - 1 leg (1st of 17 BSB 11/18/23)

Silver Wind’s Jupiter - Blue

Motherwolf’s Rocky Road - Lilac

Motherwolf’s Mudslide - Chocolate



Motherwolf’s Black Ice - Black Buck - 1 leg