Please note this is a PRE-ORDER - All baby birds must be picked up the week they hatch. All sales final; orders can not be swapped from one hatch date to another. We do not ship baby birds - local pickup only in Kenly or Clayton. We will reach out to you via the email on your order to coordinate pickup day/time.
Select from the hatch dates below. 3 chick minimum purchase per hatch date. Straight run. These chicks are a cross of our Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas and our Blue Wheaten Marans - all pullets will lay green. These chicks can be standard wheaten, blue wheaten, or splash wheaten, and typically have a pea comb, ear muffs/beards, and feathered legs. They typically have feathered legs but may have either a pea comb or a single comb. View photos of parent birds in the breed gallery.